Monday, February 1, 2016

QLC Moment #22

A couple of days ago, I was able to catch up with one of my college friends, and before that I also met up with another close friend in high school. For the former, we went to a cafe to talk over dessert while the latter, we chatted in a pub with a glass of wine and tequila sunrise on the side. Despite the difference in atmosphere, both spoke of the same issues: life. 

I suppose we're at this stage wherein we continue to question ourselves:

What am I doing? Where do I go from here? How come I am at a point wherein I'm not sure if I'm on the right track? Am I doing it wrong?!?

While my friend who chose to drink alcohol was downright frustrated at life, the one who chose to eat a slice of cake is taking into account that maybe life is a little too bittersweet for her taste.

Our conversations went on for hours, and at the end of the night we felt the same, that we are not alone in this journey of ours...because we have people who can make us feel a little sense of relief, that ironically, we are all a little bit frustrated...a little bit bittersweet.

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