Friday, May 31, 2019

Quarter Life Crisis Moment #12

Ever reached that stage in life wherein you kinda want an adventure of sort, but then you don't want to be in a position of too much discomfort? It's like, "Yeah! Imma go somewhere and have the best time...but I can't be hassled with anything impractical or too maybe next time?" It's one of those moments that goes with the saying The mind is willing but the body is not. I can feel my body slowly aging and tiring too easily, occasionally giving in once tested to its limit. Like oh-ehmm-ghee, I got a massage a few days prior after a week of continuous physical and mental activity, and in the massage I heard several bones I've come down with a flu AND THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK AT JUST 30! D: 

Me and my friends when planning on trips now begin with the question, is it worth the effort? We had talks of seeing mountain peaks but it mustn't require extensive hiking until now, I haven't been close to a hiking trail nor a mountain peak. We wanted to go glamping as well, but the idea of sleeping in a tent sounded uncomfortable in spite of the supposed glamour of we ended up checking in a room with a jacuzzi. Even when it comes to and fro a particular place, I'd rather close my eyes at the amount and get a Grab rather than having to endure several transfers and wait lines in transit. Right now I am appreciating the value of paying for practicality rather than saving a few bucks in exchange of wasted time and energy. This comes at a price though, and it does not come in cheap. But at the end of it all, we are getting a little older, and standards must get a little higher as we age. It's all part of bettering ourselves and aging gracefully. After all, we can still be grounded, at the same time live marvelously as long as we are working on what we can demand to deserve. 

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