Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Snippets: Rainy Night at Dotonbori, Osaka

Taken last September 6, 2017 along Dotonbori street in Osaka. I had initially meant for this photo to be posted last year as a sort of reflective piece on a rainy night. This image stood dormant on my desktop page for many months to the point that I am now reflecting on how much I miss the rain. 

Petrichor...a poetic word that defines the scent the earth emits after it's been doused in rain. I love that smell. I miss those moments when I can just sit still and watch as the world is being cleansed off its dust. One of my most favorite sights of nature, a kind of simple pleasure you get no matter where you stand. Even in the middle of a concrete metropolis. Rain, the soft patter of water down metal roofs and the hazing sight of the falling raindrops...I miss them all.

As for the image, I remember leaving my family at Don Quijote just so I can walk along the street of Dotonbori on my own. A short breather from the chaos of merchandise, and out into the open chaos of vividly animated shops around. It started raining midway, and I'm glad a had an umbrella with me that time. It was liberating to be walking alone that moment, yet I totally felt secured knowing that I had my family with me to go home with at the end of the night.

I miss Japan. I miss the rain.

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