Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Mission (Main Theme) by Ennio Morricone

I can't remember the last time I listened to an orchestra that played a piece that moved my soul. I was on a roll, binge-watching a couple of videos for Nella Fantasia...of which my favorite rendition is Chloe Agnew's because her voice easily hit the notes that gives me goosebumps all the time. As I was clicking away in search of other versions of the song I luckily stumbled across this one. It was weird because the thumbnail was from the movie The Mission that showed tribesmen, and the views was roughly 46k when I clicked on it. The video started with a scene from the movie, and as I forwarded it on it's 3-minute mark I heard the oboe started playing and saw that the video actually has 27+ million views. It did start with a piece of Nella Fantasia, but as the orchestra slowly moved into a different tempo I found myself drawn in. I felt a stirring in my soul as I watched the orchestra play. It was flawless, and it set quite a mood that calmed me, at the same time lifted by spirit. 

To be honest, I wasn't aware of Ennio Morricone until I found this video. It's unfortunate that he recently passed, but by how I started searching for his name and how his compositions had influenced the landscape of music, he'll be living on for quite a long long time.

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