Saturday, July 16, 2016

Up&Up by Coldplay

It's mid-July and I have yet to write a instead I'll just share this awesome music video of one of my favoritestestest band Coldplay because I've been looping this on Youtube for a while now. 

This is a good source of inspiration, visually and audioually. It says a lot about our generation of go-getters who are lost in our struggle to get through a messed up life. You know, the quarter-life-crisis thing. We want so much in life that we end up frustrated, but Chris couldn't be more right with these lyrics:

We're gonna get it, get it together right now
Gonna get it, get it togther somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go
Up and up and up

Ohhhh~~~oohooh Oh!

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