Sunday, May 31, 2020

From ECQ Food Challenges to Food Businesses

What started as a fun excuse to entertain our boredom during ECQ has now turned into these multiple businesses that we started independently. Our very first challenge began last April 14, 2020. It was a simple mug cake challenge that we enjoyed doing so much that it went on to become a series of challenges that concluded with our final theme, childhood snacks. It ended last May 29, 2020, just a few days before we started moving towards the GCQ, a less strict regulation that allowed us for more movement and more sanity.

The mechanics of the challenge was pretty much an open-ended one. We agree on a food theme, present the final dishes via video call, take an Instagrammable photo of our final dish, and have a selfie showcasing our plated dish. During our first challenge for the mug cake, we did a video call from our food preparation down to presenting our final cakes, but as the challenges progressed and we needed more prep time that we had to adjust our calls to just the final presentation. The best part that it wasn't a competition for us as there were no declared winners, just a sink full of unwashed dishes and a satisfied tummy.

Here are some snapshots of those challenges: