Friday, November 30, 2012

Chez Karine Bakery

Oh macarons, how dreamy are thee? Let me count the ways...

I remember mourning over the sudden disappearance of Miss Dessert before getting the chance to sample their cakes; but it was quickly overtaken by excitement when I saw the caricature of a pigtailed girl sitting and trying to hold in her poo as she eagerly begged for a...spoon? I dunno...she looks like she's begging for that spoon and holding in something that causes her facial nerves to wallow in pain. Joooke. I related to the little girl's expression because I was looking forward to the opening day of the shop with just as much excitement. Waiting can be a treacherous thing! By the looks of the logo alone, I could tell that it was going to be a patisserie (as the price dictated a few weeks after) even if it humbly says bakery.

A first glimpse of the shop.

I dragged along my brother to check out the place on their opening day several months ago because I know first days always comes with something good. In this case, I was able to sample most of their macarons for free! I left after a few bites. HEY! At least I came back to actually buy something on my second visit. Chef Karen was also there when we went, she was friendly enough to ask for feedback and suggest everything on her menu. I read in DCF that she actually trained in France under THE Pierre Hermé, then I overheard someone saying, "Congratulations!" then an old guy, probably a relative said, "This is what she really wanted eh." Hearing that lead me to believe that this dessert shop was born out of passion and pure love of sharing her craft.

It's two thumbs-up for the packaging concept and design.

For Chez Karine, I swore I wouldn't write the article until I have tried her cake and sipped her coffee. By that I mean, I was making an excuse to return to the place again and sit on their wooden chair and just get a feel of the place. It seems as though there's a steady stream of curious passers wanting to take a closer peep on the pretty little sweet-edibles; but there are those on occasion, who immediately point to what they will purchase and have it wrapped to go. Apparently the patisserie has already gained regulars within a short span of time. I can only hope that this one is here to stay because it fits perfectly right beside Sonja's. 

Hand c/o Cesca

I overheard the staff explaining to a customer that Chez Karine means "At Karen's Place" translated in French (yes, I overhear a lot of things.) And right before leaving the shop I asked what fruit was used for the Chez Karine logo, the girl said, "it's raspberry."

This offer won't make me give up those bottles!

I came to the place a couple of times to slowly collect their cute bottles for my own sauces. For a P100.00 panna cotta, I might as well make the most of what I ate by taking home what's left of it--the bottle. I know that they know their bottles are cute and are expected never to return once a customer realizes that she can take it home, so this sign was eventually placed on the door. So after buying P800.00 worth of pudding/panna cotta, not only do you get a free drink you also get to save the environment! 

I choose to keep the bottles...

Few, maybe, but it's as lovely as it can be <3

There's always something in me that sparks whenever I see a dessert with a non-typical flavor or an unusual flavor combination. I want my dessert as complex as possible...I want multiple types of textures that comes in a multi-dimensional layer of flavors. Gone are the days when I wanted everything made of chocolate. Now, I want them in a combination of contrasting tastes like sweet-spicy, sweet-salty, sweet-sour, or bittersweet. Suppose I can say I've been more demanding ever since I was introduced to new flavors thanks to people like Chef Karen who does breakthrough concepts to something traditional. It's the younger generation who are more willing to take the risk of toying with people's palettes. I love it!

Lately though, I've noticed that she settled with the more common flavors and has skipped on using passion fruit in her desserts. I can't blame her if it's the more familiar flavors that sell more since they're more approachable to the local palette...I can only wish that Chef Karen would pop out some surprising mix and flavors even just as a limited edition whatever thingy because it's a nice thing to look forward to tasting and taking pictures of.

A limited menu means it's been well chosen.

Lemon Meringue Tart (P165)
The meringue was sticky and not too sweet, reminded me of the royal icing I had in my childhood...painful sore throat memories then. It was nicely toasted to a golden brown color, but I didn't even feel the slightest sign of toasted crumbs. The lemon custard was really creamy with just the right amount of zing. The shortbread was light and flaky, held the cream well but also easily crumbled in my mouth. Eaten together the marriage of flavors would make you crave for coffee.  

Orange Mocha (P130)
On the description, it said it would be grated with orange zest, instead they placed a wedge of orange...I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. I left it untouched until my coffee was about one-fourth of the cup, then I decided to mush it into my drink...nothing happened, I couldn't decipher the difference. On the up side, their Orange Mocha tasted like a well-made mocha less the orange. It was sweet and made with good coffee but "accidentally" a slice of orange fell into the brew. That's my impression.

French Macarons (P50)
I've tasted their macarons, most of which on their opening day, but I also buy there on occasion. It's a delight to bite and chew because it tastes right and real...unlike other french macarons I've tried and regretted. Shame on them for calling them French macarons! The little devils behind the glass has every right to be called macarons because their yum yum! The flavors pop up as you chew them but not too overpowering...they're just right. 

Royal Pudding (P100)
The first time I bought the muscovado and vanilla puddings my heart broke...the thing melted by the time I reached home that it was this liquid brown gooey substance that drinking it was almost kind of sad...but delicious nonetheless. To think that I was excited to dip my spoon on its white creamy body and dab a bit of dark syrup on it...all melted away. I did get to experience the unmelted one on my next purchase though, I immediately gobbled it onsite. It was really nice for a pudding because it was soft and custardy and most of all not too sweet. The muscovado tasted much stronger with its burnt after note while vanilla was more consistent and light flavored.

Panna Cotta (P100)
I've been scurrying about most of the dessert places I know to have a panna cotta fix as a nostalgic flavor on my palette from my Disneyland experience. This is one of the desserts that's hard to find because I'm not sure why. Chez Karine is one of the few who offers such gloriously delicate dessert that I go back to my happy place whenever I can taste the strawberry syrup blend in that milky gelatin cream. Oh memories!

Sun-Thurs: 11am-10pm
Fri-Sat: 11am-11pm
1/F Serendra Mall
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Laziness is a Virtue

When my buddy Yan2x told me that her sister was doing her thesis and that she needed an artist, she asked me if I could help her. Not the exact words, but our conversation went something like this:

Yannie: "I need your help, can you find me an artist to work on my sister's thesis?" (goes to explaining the project)
Me: (thinking: I'm an artist! I can do that!) "Okay, I'll go look for someone."

At the far end of my head, I wondered why Yan2x didn't even bother to ask if I was willing to do the project for her sister since it isn't exactly a "labor of friendship." Then it was confirmed when we met at CBTL...Yan2x suddenly explained right after we met up with my friend who will be doing the freelance project for her sister. She said to her sister, "You know why I didn't pick Rose to do your thesis for you?" Her sister didn't answer, so she went on saying, "Because she's so lazy she's not gonna exert effort on your thesis!" She watched me laugh at her then explained further, "She's gonna make your book all white, add some small designs, and then call it minimalist art."

I gotta say, I wasn't offened. In my mind all I could think of is that I'm so glad Yan2x knows me so well!!! Now I don't have to do anything.

On that event, I shall now defend myself to the best of my abilities. And in my effort of figuring out my innate nature of being this lazy person, I found this article on yahoo:

1. The Laziest, the Smartest 
It is often noticed that the laziest people are the smartest people. This happens because such people are always looking out for ways to make jobs easier.

2. Assign Responsibilities 
It is also widely known that lazy people become great managers because they like to delegate work and share responsibilities so that they don't have to take on any tasks. Now that you are a manager, you should learn the art of delegating tasks and responsibilities so you know what work to keep for yourself. 

There is also a fact about lazy people circulating the net which is:

Lazy people fact # 2138895691768
-you were too lazy to read that number.

We refine what truly matters  to us and prioritize what's important instead of facing difficult confrontations in life. Consider this, we simply face life by skipping on the redundant details, eliminating its complexities, and doing what we do best: make things happen on their own. We can work if we want to, we just let others do it most of the time. We skip the introductions and get to the point of the matter which is a saving grace seldom times than most...but we get by with heads held high.

Do you realize if lazy people, the smartest of its kind, would exert even a slight ounce of artificial effort to get things done then where would the hard-working-yet-not-so-smart people go? I mean, there are people who stay up all night to study for a big test and get a 93 on their papers...while the lazy ones who choose to rest their brain cells instead would get an 85. Imagine the competition of those who aim to excel via hard work if the lazy ones chose to give that test even a few hours of study. In that sense, I can say that I was too lazy to take on that opportunity so I was being generous of giving others the spotlight for all practical purposes, if not intents.

Lazy people are more observant than those who busy themselves with too much of everything. We get to sit and calm ourselves to a slower pace and just see the world at it is without the fuss of the concept of "wasting time." Given much time to just hang out and chill, we pride ourselves with the ability to achieve enlightenment within a few hours of sipping tea or coffee. The whole zen-mode wherein one can look at an object and think of nothingness can only be done by a person with who has a true peace of mind. We are more in-tuned with nature and choose to be this free-sprited bunch who don't hassle themselves with the unecessary things in life. We are dreamers...literally sleeping a lot or daydreaming if not.

We are not procrastinators 100% of the time, we are just waiting for the right opportunity to strike and get the job done with one blow. Think of us as the  personification of snakes, we may sit all day waiting for our meal, but when we do go for the kill it's a sure hit because there's nothing we hate more than wasting our energy for a pointless effort. Call us energy efficient beings because we are able to sustain enough energy to do something big when the perfect opportunity arrives.

We don't like the idea of trial-and-error because we have to make it a point to execute it right the first time. I hate the idea of consuming my energy out of's just too much work. I remember when I was in my university working on plates and my bloackmates would repeat their work over and over, erasing and redoing the job until they get it right; I on the other hand apply the touch-move theory--the moment that ink touches the paper that's it, if I  commit an error I do something about that single error but not repeat the entire process. It worked for me because not only did I save on time, effort and money...I also graduated.

For lazy people, it may take a while for us to reach success because we take our time; but then again, what would be the point of it all if the end goal is to have enough money just so we can live off doing nothing? 

Sunday, November 25, 2012 tea lounge

The tea lounge is a stone's throw away from Wildflour and makes a striking contrast with its white walls and white everything. If Wildflour relaxes you in a way that makes you want to chill and socialize, calms you down in way that makes you want to sit still and read a book. When the smell of blended tea leaves wafts through the air conditioned room, you can't help but feel a sense of zen about the experience.

The small space makes it a more intimate tea experience. 

A lot of tea stuff to choose from. Great for gifts!

When I first read I immediately forgot the words as I read them, and  the moment the bus crossed the street it disappeared from my memory. On my second attempt to remember, I read the name and repeatedly said it in my head over and over until I was distracted by BreadTalk. Again, the name went down the bin. It's one of those names that just wouldn't stick to my memory because those dots and the three-word-division was quite new to my vocabulary. I think it took over five times of coming across the word before it sorta stuck to my head.

To prove that I wasn't alone in this dilemma, my conversation with friends went something like this:

Cesca: Are we going to
Me: Yes! Let's go there to make Karla jealous!
Francis: So, where can we find

It took exactly two seconds for Francis to forget the name, save that it comes in three syllables. But now that I've come into terms with the name, I find it pretty interesting to say because it's different.

On one corner, you can smell the tea and make your choice from there.

There are two kinds of tea mixes available, the couture blend and the premium blend. I love the idea of using the word couture and tea classy! I asked the lady about the difference of the two; she said that couture blends are specially blended teas done by their tea master, while premium blends means that it's really a premium blend. Her answer shut me up, I had to bite my tongue from asking a follow up question. Instead, I nodded and said, "okay." 

There were so many teas to choose from their menu that I didn't even read it. I just wanted tea. Now. One tea came to mind, chai.

There were four blends of chai, I asked for the spiciest one; she recommended the Spice and Everything Nice and Kehwah Chai...I wanted the Pink Chai...after a brief stare-off we both decided that Masala Chai it was. 

Wait! Let me explain:

I said I wanted to try their chai. The girl asked me what chai I wanted; I said, "the pink chai." She went off and the took a sample of the chai tea for me to sniff at. I took a whiff of the pink, it smelled very floral with a hint of cinnamon. I wasn't in the mood for flowers, so I told her the chai I want should be more on the spicy side because I was going to be pairing it with a dessert. (To balance the taste, I often go with something bitter, a little spicy or salty, or something really diluted to go with my sweets. I once made the mistake of having hot chocolate with my chocolate cake...I felt like a diabetic after the consuming the two.) Anyway, she went off and enthusiastically took two more chai blends for me to smell. After inhaling two more teas my nostrils became confused and I could no longer distinguish differences, so I told her to give me whatever she wanted. She said some obscure words, I said, "ok."

Doesn't that look pretty? 

First came a glass of water...then the coveted Tea Brulee (P150.00.) I've always been a fan of tea-infused desserts, and their creme brulee was just that. The creme was infused with their Lemonada Tea, and you will continue to taste that distinct creamy-lemony-milky-teay-thingy spoon after spoon. It gets to a point when it gets a little too sweet though, so you can slice a bit of strawberry to add that sour taste and even out the sweetness. It has a good consistency as it is creamy but doesn't mush up since it didn't melt like other creme brulees. But for me, the highlight of the dessert was the cinnamon stick that came with was the best one I've eaten so far. They did it so light and flaky and crispy and tasty that it was an elysian delight bite after bite--not to mention that they sprinkled it with their magical tea dust. Love. Love. Love. 

I didn't know how big 16oz was until I saw my glass.

They brew their tea, so they make you wait for it. I waited quite a while before it arrived on my table. The Aphriki Masala (P200.00) is a premium blend, so it's really premium as per my server. It tasted more on the cloves side as the initial kicker. The spice spreads in your mouth like warm fire just until your throat, then it evens out into its traditional black tea goodness as an aftertaste. Your tongue will linger with the spice you'll get from the pepper and cloves (I think), but will feel warm with a slight tingle, not the painful kind that makes you teary-eyed. 

The froth in the tea appears only when the tea is mixed through an acrobatic technique of pouring the tea back and forth at a formidable height. Didn't see the exhibition from where I sat though. Now, if only they placed the tea in a more elegant cup and had that corrugated board designed with some pretty tea-related doodles the experience could have been much fancier.

G/F Net Lima Bldg., 
4th Ave cor 26th St
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wildflour Café + Bakery

At night, the lamps light up and you are drawn in to its faint glow.

It was love at first sight with Wildflour Café + Bakery  One look and you know you're in for something good. I had several attempts of spending my breakfast there, but circumstances happen and it was moved back further and further in my calendar until finally, the day! 

With its modern urban-industrial interior: a combination of white brick walls, dark wood furnishings, blackboard menus, black paint detailings, high glass ceiling and bare incandescent bulbs hanging down with warm luminous glow, this makes it a nice place to sit in and have good coffee or wine. They have a different menu for breakfast diners and the dinner socialites. On mornings you will see expats coming in with their kids or friends having their meals before going on to work after a brief cup of coffee. The feel of the place becomes noticeably different at night, it's almost like it transforms itself to this cool lounge, you will see professionals in their coats drinking their wines and laughing the night away. 

Should you want privacy, better go there between 8-9 a.m. as the place is full most hours of the day.

Dining in cafes makes for a good morning.

Belgian Waffle with Vermont maple syrup, bananas, caramelized walnuts (P340.00)

I am still to find a proper-tasting Belgian waffle besides White Hat' all other breakfast place I've tried so far taste a like flat pancake disguised in a checkered pattern to look like a waffle. This one, though dense and kinda chewy—like a good waffle should—it lacked that degree of richness for me. It didn't hit the perfect spot, but it did came close...almost there. Maybe because it was too big or its coating wasn't caramelized enough...still, I was full by the time I was done gobbling.

Their caramelized walnuts didn't have a hint of caramelization on tasted more like roasted nuts. The banana used was cavendish, and it tasted exactly like banana. The Vermont maple syrup was nicely jazzed up with liquor. It tasted like a combination of butter, maple syrup, cinnamon then flambéed in either rum or brandy. The syrup saved the waffle from that lack-of-taste.

The wait staff were also really attentive, pouring to fill my glass with water at every opportunity. I left chugging  down almost a liter of water! If you see that green bottle there, by the time I stood up there was only a cup of liquid left...oh well.

Hazelnut Hot Chocolate (P150)

Nutella goodness in a cup.

What my food lacked in sugar content my drink made up in all its sweetened glory. Their Hazelnut Hot Chocolate was chuck-full of Nutella was very thick and rich that when I think about it, I should have dunked my waffle in it and I could have had instant churros for breakfast. 

You know you're drinking real chocolate because when it cools down, a thick layer of curdled fat would float on top and you would feel it stick to your lips like oil. This is the kind of drink that jet-starts your day not with a caffeine jolt but with a whack of sugar overdose. It was really a comfort cup, the kind you would want to snuggle to on cold-rainy nights...if only it wasn't too sweet, then I wouldn't feel so guilty about consuming more than a single cup.

I get the idea why this new Café + Bakery is being raved about by a lot of foodies and most of everyone who've been there. It may be one of those places where you should spend a little more to experience, but unlike my other regretful breakfast affairs, this one was alright. 

Side note: I wasn't able to take a photo, but their baguette was both beautiful to the eyes and the palette. I suppose Wildflour has every right to claim itself as both a modern cafe and a certified bakery.

The Apple and Arugula Salad was delightfully refreshing.

Salmon and Cream Cheese on Bagel is a good breakfast option.

A complimentary baguette and salted butter for diners.

Their now famous Kimchi Rice

G/F Net Lima Bldg., 4th Ave cor 26th St
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig
(02) 856-7600

Sunday, November 11, 2012

CBTL 26th Bistro and CBTL Coffee Bar

When I first caught sight of the CBTL being constructed along 26th Street in BGC I thought it was a little too grand from other CBTLs. Curious, I passed by again last week to see if it was done, and it was (they're just on  soft opening though.) Surprisingly, it wasn't their usual cafe but a restaurant, the first CBTL Bistro branch to open in the country (I assume?) Immediately, I had a yearning for whatever it was they served.

My first impression of their interior is that it somehow reminded me of Starbucks' (the one with the drive-thru) Filipino themed furnishings...but then again it's CBTL, so they do no wrong.

It's both posh and comfortable.

The Grilled Lamb Chops is the most expensive thing in the menu.
They serve dessert besides cake!

I was in for a treat with their extensive menu...the only down part was that they charge a little bit more than the cafe. An example would be their Eggs Benedict which costs P325.00, while the one in the cafe costs P245.00. Their tea lattes also cost more as their Chai Latte was at P165.00 while in their cafe it would only cost you P135.00 - there's a 10% service charge added to the bill. So if you're there for just tea or coffee, it's gonna cost you. But I have to admit, the service is pretty good as servers are quick on their feet...still, I think a tip is always better than a hefty 10% service charge.

After a long self-debate whether to have something savory or something sweet, I went with their US Angus Tapa (P395.00.) It comes with a sunny side up egg, garlic rice, baked pesto tomato, jellied achara, and a large coffee with lots of milk on the side. It took about 8-minutes for my food to arrive.

Ack! Coffee nightmare!!!

US Angus Tapa (my actual plate)

I thought, like many other restos, the beautiful plating only happens during the photo shoot of the menu; but in this case, the same picture came to my table in all its photogenic charm. And when food this pretty is served on your table, one cannot help but take photos to make your friends envy you. 

With a plate looking that good it would be a crime if the taste didn't do it justice--not to mention the price. In this case, let me describe it through an oxymoron: it's an innovatively familiar take on our local tapa. The meat itself tasted what tapa should taste like, but if you smear it on the reduction (the brown thingy that looks like brown paint on the plate,) it tastes close to an american steak marinated in red wine. The meat was tender but still retained that chewiness we often associate with tapa. The reduction which they artfully painted my plate with had a very concentrated flavor of worcestershire sauce that kicks you in the end with its spicy note and a little acid...probably red wine. The egg...well it tasted like egg, and the garlic rice didn't taste garlicky enough.

What intrigued me though was the achara that came in the form of a cubed gelatin. At first I thought they mixed my dessert with the entree to save on plating, but then it reeked of achara goodness that it was a good surprise on my end. The baked pesto tomato was light and was a good side dish that came with the tapa.

My biggest challenge was the coffee because the bistro doesn't give you the option to choose between tea or coffee (unlike in their cafe.) I was stuck chugging down their very bitter the end, I had to leave it half-full. 

The question is...will I be going back there? Of course! It's CBTL!!!

CBTL's Guiltless Chocolate Mousse (Php135) Made with Splenda. 

They open from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 26th Bistro
G/F Net Lima Building
4th Ave. cor. 26th St.
Bonifacio Global City
Taguig City

The CBTL Coffee Bar

They have a minimalist approach on this one.

I was over in Muji at High Street when I saw the sign, "the CBTL Coffee Bar is now open." Now, I had my doubts because I simply couldn't take their coffee...but the sign intrigued me, so I went to investigate. 

Apparently, the concept is that they use their CBTL Single Serve Beverage System...the one with the capsules and costs over P13K. Anyway, it's like this cool lounge area where the barista don't do much but push a few buttons. That's why they're also cheaper. Most of their drinks costs P100.00 and their tea lattes costs P130.00...the price comes with a slight difference in taste though. 

They have a very limited selection of drinks (as few as the available capsules.) They also serve a few savory pastries like chicken pot pie and quiche...and a brownie...actually, those were the only three things I saw.

Your drink from the Coffee Bar are made from these capsules.

The skylight ceiling makes for a pretty effect on the bar.

They share the space with Beauty Bar, so they're stuck with a small portion of the floor. They only have three seats available inside, but the one on the terrace had enough chairs for friends to hangout. If it's windy enough, you can actually forget that you're breathing in polluted air.

Lemon Mint coffee for me.

I really couldn't bring myself to buying and force-drink myself with another cup of their coffee, so I settled with Lemon Mint Iced Tea. It tasted like Italian soda with that slight fizz of carbonated flavored water...but I suppose I'm just far too spoiled with CBTL's loose tea leaves being actually brewed. 

CBTL Coffee Bar
Level 3 (right above Muji) SSI (Gap Bldg.) 
Bonifacio High Street
Bonifacio Global City
Taguig City

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cupcakes by Sonja

"Sonja" say it...sooooon-ja! Not son-ya, but son-JA, the same "JA" you would say when calling a janitor, or janitress, or jail guard, or Jane, or get the idea. Now that you say it right, let's talk about it.

I've come to know about Sonja before the cupcake craze and I've vowed to make an article about it the moment I have a blog...which was six years later. The thing I wanted to talk about Sonja is the idea of sacrificing price for quality. It's one of those places wherein you look at the price and say, "WHAAAT? 45 Pesos for a cupcake!?" That was six years ago when I first saw their price tag, and now it's priced at P65.00 and I'm not complaining. It's one of those who cater to a very particular market niche and does things right to please them. That's why they still stand and continue to make hundreds of cupcakes a day and end up being sold-out at the end of it. I value the fact that they choose to higher the price and not fall on the traps of commercialization by changing the recipe to lower the cost. I am also grateful of how, despite their success, they choose to remain this quaint corner bakery rather than expand to multiple branches and ruin their reputation as a real artisan cupcake.    

My favorite cupcake of the bunch, due to its simple yet nostalgic taste.
I love it because it's also the cheapest of the bunch.

You are guaranteed a fresh batch every day because every batch is sold-out every day. Sonja's not the kind to make one or two good flavors to keep their business running and the rest are just fillers that will look cute on their display rack but taste like crap. No, every cupcake or pastry is created in its most sinful form that you can feel the guilty pleasure in every bite. 

This made my mouth foam up with their  whipped frosting.
Chocolate Surprise
Berry Delight Strawberry Cheesecake

Sonja makes it a point that each cupcake compliments their designated frosting partner. An example would be their Vanilla Sunshine wherein the cake is a little more compact because the frosting is on the simpler side, while Chocolate Surprise has a much lighter-crumblier cake because the frosting has the tendency to be heavy on the taste and texture. It's little considerations like these, proper portions and proportions that make the big difference why I cannot say that one cupcake flavor can compensate for another because they taste close to identical despite having different colors. I kinda think that Sonja's scumming me because of this, I tend not to settle with a single purchase, instead I get two or three since I crave for two different tastes at one time. all I can say, still, can't stop myself from coming back for more.

Now, I initially didn't like the idea of eating Red Velvet because I was biased to their redness and assumed it would taste bitter as the hue suggests it contains a lot of food coloring. It was a acquired taste for me, the cake, not the frosting...but eventually, after my third or so red velvet, I got the idea why it's their best seller. Like the rest of their cupcakes, they made the affair between the cake and the frosting so intimate that one cannot stand alone without the other. Red velvets have an airy but compact cake that tastes a little bit on the flavoring side; but if you bite into it with its sweet and tangy yet slightly grainy cream cheese frosting, then you'll know what others say when they say Sonja has the best red velvet cupcakes around! They are notably known for disappearing within a short span of time, and I mean this  based on the recurring experience I have when going there. The reds are one of those that have to be baked continuously throughout the day down to late at night as people have a notorious knack of buying them by the dozens when they see a fresh batch available. I remember waiting with my friend for the next batch to be served at 11pm...and we weren't the only ones eagerly waiting either. I do consider it really good, but not like others who take it as an obsession. 

Besides their cupcakes, I like their they package your cupcake with care in these individual boxes, and just the whole air of being in this dainty vintage cupcake shop and choosing from a selection of colorful treats behind the glass display is just so...delightful. Their interiors are nostalgic with carefully selected old-charm furnishings, you'd easily mistake it as an old american bakery lost in Serendra if not for the reality that it is proudly owned by a local that makes it more appealing. 

I also enjoyed their cute flash website. They have a game where you can customize your own cupcake-person and not eat it. 

LOCATION: 1C03 G/F Serendra Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig